Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Should Cervical Mucus Be Like Day Before Menstruation Yellow Stretchy Cervical Mucus One Day Before Period To Start?

Yellow stretchy cervical mucus one day before period to start? - what should cervical mucus be like day before menstruation

I have the yellow fibrous, elastic cervical mucus this morning, when it dries. I am a day away from my home on time. Odur not so I do not think that it is infected, havent had before. What is it?


sweet gal said...

This is normal. Some women tend to have a flow like this. The only time you should worry is if you have a bad odor, or if you have pain or itching really bad. The smell is the best indication something is wrong.

♥BINK♥ said...

Some women lose before you (or your time). If this continues, and it is annoying, unpleasant, or starts to smell ... Please consult your doctor.

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